Complete Streets.
We do transportation differently.
We are a Canadian, employee-owned transportation planning and engineering consulting firm that specializes in active transportation, Complete Streets, mobility plans, and Vision Zero. But really, our business is empowerment. We help communities take steps to become more sustainable, livable, and inclusive.
Our Services
If you have worked with us in the past, you know we use thoughtful and creative techniques that not only create consensus, but are also fun to develop together with our clients.
For us, it’s important to bring people together and make the science behind transportation accessible.
Complete Streets
Communities have historically designed transportation systems with a focus on accommodating motor vehicle travel and minimizing delay. Over time, this has transformed our communities from being places for people to a series of unsafe corridors.
At Martinson Golly, we understand the link and place function of streets. This allows us to tailor the design of multimodal corridors to reflect their mobility, accessibility, and placemaking roles within the network.
Road Safety
At Martinson Golly, we believe no one should be killed or experience a life altering injury while travelling in our communities. This is why we strongly support and work to implement the Safe System Approach with our clients.
Our work ranges from Strategic Plans, Action Plans, In-Service Road Safety Reviews, and Road Safety Audits.
Walking & Biking
Creating communities that support active transportation and recreation requires a solid understanding of the dynamics and functional requirements of people as they move around; whether that be on foot, by bicycle, by micromobility device, or mobility aid.
At Martinson Golly, we are passionate about helping our clients design streets and pathways that support active travel because of the many co-benefits this creates – safety, sustainability, inclusivity, social connectedness, health, and economic development.
We work with clients that are committed to sustainability, health, and equity. And if you’re not there yet, our skills are in sharing our commitment, generating consensus, and helping clients see the dollars and sense rather than ideologies.
Contact us to learn more about our services and philosophy